Let’s start by going straight to the point: we who call ourselves Christians need to get back to being men and women who are saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost…who are anointed by God…who have the Gifts of the Spirit active in our lives…so much so that people experience God and His reality through us.
Now, backing up a bit…
As the Bible tells us, nobody has ever seen God face to face (John 1:18, John 6:46, 1 Timothy 6:16, 1 John 4:12, 1 John 4:20)…because no one could live through that (Exodus 33:20).
Every person who has ever lived (with the exception of Jesus Christ) has in one way or another sinned…and no sinner can stand in the presence of God. This is why God has always revealed Himself indirectly to the masses of people primarily through individuals He has forgiven, called, and anointed.
But, we live in a world where fewer and fewer people have a real relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We live in a world where fewer and fewer individuals have the true anointing of God. We live in a world where fewer and fewer individuals have the power of God and the Gifts of the Spirit manifesting in their life. Consequently, the masses of people get fewer and fewer chances to experience God.
In short, when fewer people have the anointing to exhibit God’s power, reality, and existence, then fewer people will get to experience God in a way that changes their life for the better (both spiritually and naturally).
And, when the masses of people do not get to experience God through His anointed individuals, then they progressively degenerate as a whole into deists who think God is not ever involved in people’s lives. Or, they become agnostics who are unsure if there is a god. Or, they become angry that they are unable to experience God…and so they become evangelizing atheists who proclaim and assert that there is no god.
We can easily see evidence all around us that fewer and fewer people in our society are honoring God and fewer and fewer people believe in God. Why is this? It is because the masses of people are not getting to experience God through Holy Ghost anointed individuals in whom the Gifts of the Spirit are active. In other words, it is because God doesn’t have enough anointed individuals working in His Kingdom.
The point is this: there is a great need for you and I to be men and women who are saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost…who are anointed by God…who have the Gifts of the Spirit active in our lives…so much so that people experience God and His reality when they interact or deal with us.
When people interacted with Jesus, there was no denying that there was a supernatural power…an Almighty God…who cared about people…and that is what the people around us need FROM YOU AND I.
People in our world desperately need us to be Holy Ghost filled and God-anointed men and women who show forth the manifestations and the demonstrations of God’s reality and His power.
When people see manifestations and demonstrations of God’s power through us…when people experience God through us…then they will be far more interested in hearing about God’s Salvation Plan…then they will be far more interested in living a God-acknowledging, God-honoring life.
And a society that is filled with God-acknowledging, God-honoring people is always a good thing (Proverbs 14:34).
Now, none of what I am saying is is meant to suggest that we are still living in Old Testament times. Because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are definitely under the auspices of the New Testament.
Moreover, none of what I have said here is meant to suggest that any of us can take the place of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ the Righteous is alone the only begotten Son of God. Jesus Christ alone is our redeemer and the propitiation for our sins.
But, Jesus told us that WE COULD DO what He did (Acts 10:38)…on an even broader, higher-quantity scale (John 14:12)…because He was going back to the Father…and the Father would send the Holy Ghost TO US!
So, the people all around you and I desperately need to experience God through you and I. This is obvious and apparent when we notice the lives that the masses of people are living.
However, people cannot experience God through us unless you and I diligently and earnestly (1 Corinthians 12:31, Jude 1:3) seek to have the transformational power and anointing of God’s Spirit working and flowing through us…unless you and I make it our business to receive the Holy Ghost anointing…and to have the Gifts of the Spirit active in our lives.
Without the Holy Ghost anointing, the people around us may not get to experience God in His undeniable reality…which means they will likely end up in hell for eternity.
Without the Holy Ghost anointing, church attendance is just a ceremonial ritual. Without the Holy Ghost anointing, church attendance is something a few people do to make their self feel better…or to entertain their self…while everyone else…THE ONE’S WHO ESPECIALLY NEED GOD…view it as unimportant, unnecessary, and meaningless.
And yes, we know that God doesn’t have to have us to do His work. We know that God is well able to do whatever He wants with or without us. We know that God’s Spirit is well-able to move, perform, and accomplish whatever He wants and never need us in any way, shape, or form.
Yes, we know that God speaks to everyone in His “still, small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). But for many people, God’s “still, small voice” is not as arresting as is an undeniable, inexplicable manifestation of God’s power working in a way that they can see with their own eyes, hear with their own ears, or touch with their own hands.
In other words, getting to experience God with tangible senses will generally impact and influence people far more than will intangible, barely-perceptible experiences.
And again, we know that God is not limited to a “still, small voice”. We know that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost has the ability and the power to reveal Himself to people and change the focus and direction of their life…just as He did with the Apostle Paul.
But, we also know from reading the Bible in its entirety that God MOSTLY chooses to reveal Himself through…and to work through…anointed individuals.
So again, there is a great need for you and I to be men and women who are saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost…who are anointed by God…who have the Gifts of the Spirit active in our lives…so much so that people experience God and His existence when they interact or deal with us.